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Obedience Progression

2007:: June | November
2008:: February | May
2009:: February| March | April | May | July

Here is a progression of Bodhi and his obedience work. I am hoping to do AKC obedience as well as prepare him for Schutzhund.

June 22, 2007- Tug - Go and Teaching Impulse Control

This video shows a sample of Bodhi and the tug work that is finally coming around. I have progressed from plastic bags, to soft toys to a 'riot' stick hard tug which he is taking harder and with a deeper bite. The video shows GO (or search) around 2 chairs (schutzhund and agility work), leaving the toy while being asked to move around the chairs, the release OK to the toy and play. The heeling work, the HERE off of the toy, the DOWN on the toy. Good boy.

obedience 6/22/07
...click on image to see video in a new window...

November 21, 2007 - Rally Practice with Food Bowl

This is the second week I have taken the food bowl exercise on the road here. Bodhi's first run for the run to the bowl was a bit frantic, energetic. My shoulders are still an issue. And more importantly, I forgot I haven't taught him a Right Hand Finish yet : ) The second run was a bit more smooth. He was calmer and more focused. Shoulders!!!

rally ob
...click on image to see video in a new window...

February 3, 2008 - Obedience Match - Cow Palace, SF

We did 2 run throughs of Novice Rally and 2 of Novice Regular. He appeared to lose focus on entering the ring and without food in either hand would sniff more but once awake and into it he came along nicely. He completed all the signs (so the cues were clear) and he did all the heeling. In the Novice Regular ring we were told to work on the following things: forging, crowding, my shoulder position, my head position, I need to swing my arms, I need to move faster (so a lot!) No trials in the NEAR future BUT success in getting video of my errors for reference and having a VERY HAPPY dog!

front finish

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May 24, 2008 - Obedience Match - Placerville

It was raining. This is his second run in Novice. He was happy, somewhat distracted but did I say he was happy? This was the match where I set him up at the Rally-O start line and he leaned into his sit as if I was going to do a SEND OUT (To WHAT - a CONE?) oh dear??? He certainly loves to target!


...click on image to see video in a new window...

February, 2009 - Training Session

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TAKE TWO: February 17, 2009 - Training Session

take two
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Hayward Match - March 8, 2009

We took a year off to train and rethink Bodhi in the ring. After a few times where he either left me (ran out) or just was disconnected, (in a match setting with food falling out of my hands so to speak), I realized that we couldn't go back without a more specific plan. Here goes ... He will never be the malinois I want but somewhere between. Never to have the charisma and energy of a working line but... well... we will see; one observation is that he does well with the patterns that are consistent each time (retreives, broad jump, high jump) and that he can focus on a task with a target that is not me. Heeling is targetting me and if my handling takes a nose dive so does Bodhi. We are working in OPEN (we haven't even done NOVICE yet) because he loves jumping and his dumbbell and we want to help him enjoy the ring... He is pretty darn dependable with the OPEN exercises so this gives him the competence and confidence he needs (and less heeling!):

broad jump
...click on image to see video in a new window...


Preparation For BH - Wednesday - April 1, 2009

Ok. We just do not know. Will he or won't he... This is a training session prior to practice time this Saturday. and Sunday... and next Wednesday! Uggh.

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April 11, 2009 - Bodhi Does His BH and Passes


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April 25, 2009 - Novice Obedience Malinois Nationals

fast front

...click on image to see video in new window...


May 17 - ODTC Trial (Hayward)

1 more leg in Rally Novice but no Q in Novice Ob. (he laid down from the sit)


July 25 - Country Wide Match (Hayward)

We entered Novice, Open, Novice Rally and Advanced Rally. Advanced Rally was his best. Advanced Rally was the last run of his day. It was in the same ring as the Novice Rally and had an exactly the same path (as Novice) just a few change of signs. He was almost flawless (not on video of course). He dd well in Open (on video below). The video is not great but thanks anyway for the person who took it : ) ! Something is better than nothing. He was more responsive (food dropped from mouth) so now i have a method i have to transition him to a 'no food in ring' situation... From last year to this year (we did the CountryWide match last year) he was exponentially better. He was completely distracted last year and this year he was with me.